FWD: Live-coverage of EU elections Day 2: Czech Republic

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Návštěvník – nepatří k Pirátům
Příspěvky: 17
Registrován: 23 led 2014, 22:57
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FWD: Live-coverage of EU elections Day 2: Czech Republic

Příspěvek od pirate_slash »

This was posted on the ppi mailing list a few hours ago...
Live-Blog is: http://piratetimes.net/live-blog-europe ... ds-and-uk/

Thanks to all that took part, prodded us with links, or even just viewed.

We got 2 more days though, and Josef, Stephen, and I are not fluent in
some of the languages native to the pirates that will be running (and
google translate/babelfish only goes so far) so if you're willing to
help out, SEND ME AN EMAIL (either to this address, or to
a.norton@pirateparty.org.uk) so I can get you set up.

We will need people who understand Czech (preferably someone from their
party!) for tomorrow/Saturday, but at the same time, there will also be
coverage of the last minute campaigning for Sunday.

Think of it as a localised, collated twitter stream, where we hope
reporters can come for references and information.

In addition, if any parties are brave enough to want to put a copy on
their own site (brave as in it not being content directly under your
control) then let me know.

And the best of luck to everyone up for election! (and I feel so much
less stress than I did 5 years ago! :-)

PPUK Press team co-lead
USPP Vice Chair
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