Zápisy ze schůzí europoslaneckého klubu

Moderátoři: Evropsky parlament - asistenti, SEN - Senátoři, Evropsky parlament - poslanci

Asistent/ka poslance/poslankyně
Příspěvky: 14
Registrován: 09 dub 2019, 17:42

Re: Zápisy ze schůzí europoslaneckého klubu

Příspěvek od Martina.Janurova »

MEP Meeting 14/03/2023

Draft agenda

  • approval last minutes: approved


  • Staff issues (Marcel; in camera)


  • European Pirates Programme (Jules): Mab to be tasked with organizing and introductory meeting with Coordinators – to explain the process and understanding how to coordinate it on the delegation level - Mikulas

  • Transparency and Integrity plan (Jules): background note on the current rules and the French ethics body, Jules will organize meeting regarding TI plan in the next few days

  • PP-CZ GA: delegation booth - promotion of the delegation at the GA,
    list of the people coming to CZ GA – Martina,
    list of tasks / stuff needed to have Delegation booth - Tomas Polak

  • "Annual report" for czech MEPs – similar t the report on pages 7 and 8 should be drafted (ideally by the end of the week) - Tomas Polak will be responsible

Asistent/ka poslance/poslankyně
Příspěvky: 34
Registrován: 21 zář 2020, 12:47

Re: Zápisy ze schůzí europoslaneckého klubu

Příspěvek od Samuel.Vanco »

MEP Meeting 20/03/2023

Draft agenda

  • approval last minutes


  • sharing access to media outlets (for Czech MEPs)
  • the administrative effort necessary might complicate it too much


-Transparency and Integrity plan (Jules):

  • access to MEPs offices should be preceded by a court order
  • meetings declaration: the tool is not good, we have to improve it
  • Staff too? Jules will find out if the EC is doing it
  • problem of where to declare it
  • assets declaration: possible physical copy in EP premises for the journalists, public declaration for politicians
  • side jobs: we have a position formed on the ban
  • range is sufficient, if it is reasonable
  • how much time do they spend in the side job?
  • transparency register: we need to keep the registration easy
  • RCV: yes, it takes a lot of time, but we should still strive for extension of it
  • GEA: it is being paid for 3 months after the end of the mandate, but there is no need for that - we want mandatory auditing of GEA
  • sanctions should be taken by an independent ethics body, without interference from politicians via Bureau
  • trips paid for by third countries: TI is asking for a ban, we agree
  • increase of travel budget for MEPs in AFET, INTA: should be considered on a case-by-case basis
  • cooling-off period: 6 months of extra pay, but there are no obligations linked to the allowance
  • more precision regarding the scope needed
  • gifts: over 50 EUR should be declared, over 150 EUR should be surrendered
  • Migration group meeting (Jules) – see in Reception

  • Jules will talk to Ralf

Asistent/ka poslance/poslankyně
Příspěvky: 12
Registrován: 17 led 2022, 15:53

Re: Zápisy ze schůzí europoslaneckého klubu

Příspěvek od Katerina.Oosterwijk »

MEP Meeting 27/03/2023

Draft agenda

  • approval last minutes: approved


  • PPDE election candidate convention


  • LIBE migration

    • optional if MS will use this but three groups send amendments to make it mandatory
    • independent monitoring ← proposal of the group (claim this victory on a monitoring mechanism to fight pushbacks)
    • most likely no vote in Plenary
  • Delegation booth

    • MEPs have discussed the specifications of the booth for the General Assembly of Czech Pirate Party in Liberec.

    • There will be one booth with delegation logo for delegation purposes

    • Mikulas and Marcel and Marketa want to be included in the schedule for manning the booth

  • Transparency & Integrity discussion:

    • proposal: OLAF accessing MEPs offices including a requirement of a court order

    • MEPs discussed basis on which a court order could be granted

Asistent/ka poslance/poslankyně
Příspěvky: 12
Registrován: 17 led 2022, 15:53

Re: Zápisy ze schůzí europoslaneckého klubu

Příspěvek od Katerina.Oosterwijk »

MEP Meeting 12/04/2023

Draft agenda

  • approval last minutes: approved


  • signing Open Request answers

    Kód: Vybrat vše

    - questions unrelated to either of the MEPs portfolio to be divided on technical level
    - answers to be signed by the MEPs, making it clear which MEP is replying.
    - Open Request to be promoted on MEPs’ social media channels and homepages.
    - PR staff to proofread the Czech version of the website
    - Permission to change status of the requests to be given to Jules and MEPs’ teams.
  • compensation for staff attending PPEU Council meeting in STR

    Kód: Vybrat vše

    - Staff attending the PPEU Council in STR, representing the delegation or MEPs, to be awarded with 2 extra days off 


  • Delegating potential proxy voters for the MEPs delegation for PPEU Council

    Kód: Vybrat vše

    - Vote on the new board 
    - Marcel, Sam, and David to be delegation’s delegates.

Transparency & Intergity

Kód: Vybrat vše

	- MEPs agreed to include court orders in the Transparency & Integrity plan
	- third party travels should not be paid for individual MEPs, with the exception of officially organized delegations by the European Parliament. These payments should be properly declared.
	- Specific wording to be agreed with Marketa

Quote for communication strategy of the CZ part of the delegation (Czech MEPs only)

Kód: Vybrat vše

	- Czech GA booth to be financed by Czech MEPs
	- MEPs decided to wait for requesting the quotes until Autumn
Asistent/ka poslance/poslankyně
Příspěvky: 34
Registrován: 21 zář 2020, 12:47

Re: Zápisy ze schůzí europoslaneckého klubu

Příspěvek od Samuel.Vanco »

MEP Meeting 24/04/2023

Draft agenda

  • approval minutes: approved


  • staff issues (resettlement allowance) (in camera)


  • group position on chat control

  • possible re-opening of the discussion in the technical meeting, regarding game chats

  • MEPs to participate at the Group meeting next week (APAs to remind to their MEPs, Patrick´s team draft the notes / speaking points)

Asistent/ka poslance/poslankyně
Příspěvky: 34
Registrován: 21 zář 2020, 12:47

Re: Zápisy ze schůzí europoslaneckého klubu

Příspěvek od Samuel.Vanco »

MEP Meeting 03/05/2023
Draft agenda

  • approval minutes: approved


  • staff issues (in camera)


  • Czech MEPs: update on action plan (harmonogram pro plán činnosti pro odbory a poslanecké kluby)

  • Tom Polák to add input in relation to our AVE

Asistent/ka poslance/poslankyně
Příspěvky: 34
Registrován: 21 zář 2020, 12:47

Re: Zápisy ze schůzí europoslaneckého klubu

Příspěvek od Samuel.Vanco »

MEP Meeting 22/05/2023

Draft agenda

  • approval minutes:

  • minutes are approved


  • proof of work for IT team leader (with Panda)

  • proof of work will be submitted by Panda to the MEPs for checking

  • potential Group extension (in camera)


  • Tomas Polak – plenary press briefing (CZ MEPs only)
    • MEPs agreed, Tomas will start looking into time slot options
Asistent/ka poslance/poslankyně
Příspěvky: 12
Registrován: 17 led 2022, 15:53

Re: Zápisy ze schůzí europoslaneckého klubu

Příspěvek od Katerina.Oosterwijk »

MEP Meeting 31/05/2023

Draft agenda

  • approval minutes: approved


  • Draft relationship agreement Greens – Pirates (mab) - waiting for the group proposal
  • voluntary declaration on the use of the General Expenditure Allowance (postponed)
  • Personnel issues (in camera)


  • FOSS exception AI Act (with Tom A)
  • Planning the year ahead (Jules) - to share MEPs priorities so Jules can step in if needed
  • Prague Pride - Martina to find out more details of how the pirates could contribute.
Asistent/ka poslance/poslankyně
Příspěvky: 12
Registrován: 17 led 2022, 15:53

Re: Zápisy ze schůzí europoslaneckého klubu

Příspěvek od Katerina.Oosterwijk »

EP Meeting 05/06/2023
Draft agenda

  • approval minutes: approved


  • voluntary declaration on the use of the General Expenditure Allowance – MEPs agreed to undergo the procedure
  • accounting presentation on pirati.cz - Katka to make sure webpage is updated


  • AI Act is allowing for biometric mass surveillance in public spaces a red line for us (in case EPP AM succeeds)? – MEPs exchanged views on the current state of play with the AI Act negotiation.
Asistent/ka poslance/poslankyně
Příspěvky: 34
Registrován: 21 zář 2020, 12:47

Re: Zápisy ze schůzí europoslaneckého klubu

Příspěvek od Samuel.Vanco »

MEP Meeting 13/06/2023

Draft agenda

  • approval minutes


Proof of work for service providers (Marcel)

  • Marcel suggests SPs to attach to their invoice proof of work every month
  • delegation SPs from now on have to provide their proof of work on a monthly basis
  • Panda makes list of logs that are good to keep in order to provide evidence and what information are easy to store and come up with the solution how to keep evidence easily
  • also to provide proof of work from the past – to be decided next time

Panda´s contract - issue with Panda´s contract and possible solution for Patrick (Patrick)

  • admin APAs to prepare possible solution

Translation of Open Request answers (Jules)

  • requests coming in various languages that Jules does not speak
  • answers that needs to be delivered in other language than ENG (e.g. Czech or DE) Jules can ask other team members to help him with translation and then send for approval to MEPs

Merch for Prague Pride (Marcel)

  • to be decided next time


  • Pesticides special committee (Jules)
  • collecting signatures
  • Marcel, Marketa, Patrick agrees (to be checked with Mikulas too)

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