MEP Meeting 14/03/2023
Draft agenda
- approval last minutes: approved
- Staff issues (Marcel; in camera)
European Pirates Programme (Jules): Mab to be tasked with organizing and introductory meeting with Coordinators – to explain the process and understanding how to coordinate it on the delegation level - Mikulas
Transparency and Integrity plan (Jules): background note on the current rules and the French ethics body, Jules will organize meeting regarding TI plan in the next few days
PP-CZ GA: delegation booth - promotion of the delegation at the GA,
list of the people coming to CZ GA – Martina,
list of tasks / stuff needed to have Delegation booth - Tomas Polak"Annual report" for czech MEPs – similar t the report on pages 7 and 8 should be drafted (ideally by the end of the week) - Tomas Polak will be responsible