Delegation meeting 19. 07. 2019
INFO on regional assistants: the earliest starting date can be 1. 8. if we collect all the information now. The paying agent needs sufficient time to process the contract. Contracting agents/service providers: earliest starting date is 2/7. GEA will be paid on 1 August.
CZ MEPs - need asap verified power of attorney for paying agent - more info in separate email.
Jana will publish new public procurements as soon as additional budget for it will be approved
Berlin (trainees) ... ment_draft
Jana should collect the CVs
Approved by: Mikuláš, Markéta, Marcel, Patrick
The procurement has been approved.
IT Administrator draft -
Approved by: Mikuláš, Markéta, Patrick, Marcel
The procurement has been approved.
Software developer draft -
Approved by: Mikuláš, Markéta, Patrick
Approval after update made by Marcel on 22. 07. 2019: Marcel, Markéta, Mikuláš,
Regional assistant Brno -
Approved by: Markéta, Patrick,
note by Patrick: The draft says "approval by the delegation". If this staff is to be employed individually, it should probably read "approval by the MEP".
Isn't it shared among Markéta and Marcel?
note by Patrick: Is "After approval by the MEPs" ok?
Approval after update made by Marcel on 23. 07. 2019: Marcel
Markéta's PR social media assistant -
Approved by: Markéta, Patrick, Mikuláš
note by Patrick: The draft says "approval by the delegation". Since this staff is to be employed individually by Marketa, it should probably read "approval by the MEP".
the delagation as whole has higher prestige, I think
After discussion with Markéta, we agreed to modify it to "Czech Pirate MEPs are looking". It is perfectly possible, that me and Marcel will hire a person for the same advertisement. The description is great.
note by Patrick: Is "After approval by the MEPs" ok?
Approval after update made by Marcel on 23. 07. 2019: Marcel
Draft procurement for European Law Advisor: (languages to be discussed, Googledoc says to require Czech and German, too)
Approved by: Patrick, Markéta, Mikuláš
Draft procurement for group Advisor on anti-corruption and containing lobbyism: (the text doesn't mention the group as I am not sure whether we can publicly advertise a group position)
Approved by: Patrick
the position and timing of publishing the procurement will be discussed on the next delegation meeting.
The delegation approved one time bonus to be paid to Jana to cover for her work on European Pirates public procurements
The delegation approved Michal Ketner to be hired temporarily as service provider for position of IT administrator
Schedule of the public procurements evaluation
2nd round
Availability for job interviews in August
Marcel - available: for telephone/video conference // not available:
Marketa - available: prefers videoconference // not available: 10th August, 24th August
Mikuláš - available: in CZ for telephone/video conference // not available: 5.-12. and 17.-20.
Patrick - available for telephone/video conference, not available in Brussels
Who will be in the evaluation commission?
Head of Office: Jana, Marcel, Mikuláš, (Markéta - tentative), Patrick
Administrative assistant: Jana, the chosen Head of Office, Marcel, Markéta, Patrick
Policy Advisor (INTA, AFET, SEDE) - Markéta, Jana
Policy Assistant (INTA, AFET, SEDE) - Markéta, Jana
Policy Advisors (IMCO/CULT/LIBE/JURI/INTA/AFET/SEDE): Jana, relevant committee members
Berlin local office (trainees): Patrick
Law maker/expert: Jana, Marcel, Patrick, Mikuláš
IT administrator: Jana, Marcel, Mikuláš
Software developer: Jana, Marcel, Mikuláš
Meeting of European Pirate delegation and Czech Parliament Pirate Club - in Prague
Last Friday in August feasible?
Who should attend?
last Friday of August is fine for Marcel
Meeting with Assange attorneys - proposal from Rico Brouwer from PP NL
update info: Rico is no longer member of PP NL (new address:
Lobby register
Communication channel with Pirates to replace Slack
Platform for sharing documents -
European Pirates website