Zápisy ze schůzí europoslaneckého klubu

Moderátoři: Evropsky parlament - asistenti, Evropsky parlament - poslanci, Senat - senatori

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Zápisy ze schůzí europoslaneckého klubu

Příspěvek od Marketa.Gregorova »

Zápis z prvního zasedání europoslaneckého klubu ze dne 12. června 2019:
Proposal No. 1
The elected Members of the European Parliament Marcel Kolaja, Markéta Gregorová, Mikuláš Peksa and Patrick Breyer agree on establishing delegation “European Pirates” within the European Parliament.

In favour: Marcel Kolaja, Markéta Gregorová, Mikuláš Peksa and Patrick Breyer
Against: -
Abstain: -

Proposal No. 2
The head of the delegation is Marcel Kolaja.

In favour: Marcel Kolaja, Markéta Gregorová, Mikuláš Peksa and Patrick Breyer
Against: -
Abstain: -

Proposal No. 3
The official language of the delegation of the European Pirates is English.

In favour: Marcel Kolaja, Markéta Gregorová, Mikuláš Peksa and Patrick Breyer
Against: -
Abstain: -
Tito uživatelé poděkovali autorovi Marketa.Gregorova za příspěvek:
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Re: Zápisy ze schůzí europoslaneckého klubu

Příspěvek od Marketa.Gregorova »

Zápis ze schůzky europoslaneckého klubu 26. června 2019:

1. LIBE committee - Patrick's membership - resolved by email to Vula, signed Annexes to the statement setting up a political group will be handed over upon her answer by Petra

2. Public procurements
Discussing the office setup - tasks of policy advisor and policy assistants
Preparing the offers - starting date in July or September, depending on the need of MEP
Process of selection of candidates - in CZ - should we also considersome person in DE evaluating the CVs?
- preparing a list of candidates who already applied (Jana)


The delegation of European Pirates approve the above mentioned public procurements and template.
YES: Mikuláš, Patrick, Marcel, Markéta
NO: ---
Abstained: ---

https://pad.pirati.cz/p/advisor_procurement_draft (Patrick)
https://pad.pirati.cz/p/advisor_procure ... rk%C3%A9ta (Markéta)
https://pad.pirati.cz/p/second_advisor_Mark%C3%A9ta (Markéta)
Postponed till next meeting.

Where to publish it?
- euractiv http://jobs.euractiv.com/job/add?pid=1
- jobs.cz
- ppeu website and social media
- PPCZ forum and websites (if possible)
- PPDE webpage
- our social media (personal MEPs,...)

The delegation of European Pirate approve the list of channels via which will be the procurements shared.
YES: Mikuláš, Markéta, Patrick, Marcel
NO: ---
Abstain: ---
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Re: Zápisy ze schůzí europoslaneckého klubu

Příspěvek od Marketa.Gregorova »

Zápis ze schůzky europoslaneckého klubu 1. července 2019:
Delegation meeting 1. 7. 2019
1. Public procurements
From the last meeting:
https://pad.pirati.cz/p/advisor_procurement_draft (Patrick)
https://pad.pirati.cz/p/advisor_procure ... rk%C3%A9ta (Markéta)
https://pad.pirati.cz/p/second_advisor_Mark%C3%A9ta (Markéta)
Common draft procurement: https://pad.pirati.cz/p/advisor_procurement_draft_2

The delegation of European Pirates approve the above mentioned public procurements and template.
YES: Markéta Gregorová, Patrick Breyer, Mikuláš Peksa, Marcel Kolaja
NO: ---
Abstained: ---

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Re: Zápisy ze schůzí europoslaneckého klubu

Příspěvek od Marketa.Gregorova »

Zápis ze schůzky europoslaneckého klubu ze dne 4.7.2019:
Delegation meeting 4. 7. 2019 Strasbourg

Public procurements

Approved template: https://pad.pirati.cz/p/advisor_procurement_draft_2 - will be posted asap

-- Deffered to next meeting:
Needs approval:

We also need other positions:
- regional assistants for Prague and Brno
- social media manager for Markéta (? someone else)

CZ paying agent

Details sent by Jana to Mrak - candidate chosen and approved by Jana
Individual contracts must be signed with each MEP (administered by Petra and Jana)

The Pirate delegation approves the Paying agent, as suggested by the HR department.
YES: Markéta Gregorová, Mikuláš Peksa, Patrick Breyer, Marcel Kolaja
NO: --
Abstained: --

Marcel's assistant to Vice-president

A new assistant will need to be hired for Marcel asap
Marcel's proposal: Mab (Mattias Bjarnemalm) - relevant experience and expertise, overview of the tasks
Mikulas spoke against the proposal, expressing his concerns about the candidate, also for temporary cooperation
Patrick further suggested Mab's experience could be of better use to the delegation if he would remain as the Group's advisor for digital policy
Result: Mikuláš decided to cast a veto on this candidate.

Next meeting:
Monday 13:00 - 15:00 (office number A1E1)
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Re: Zápisy ze schůzí europoslaneckého klubu

Příspěvek od Marketa.Gregorova »

Zápis ze schůzky europoslaneckého klubu ze dne 8.7.2019:
Division of tasks

- public procurements for IMCO, LIBE, JURI (INTA, AFET runnig separate procurements)
Eszter - IMCO, CULT
Aimilia - LIBE, JURI
Julien - possibly Marcel's assistant to VP

committees interested in: ITRE, INTA, JURI

shared competence - assistant to VP and Marketa's assistant to INTA - if Marketa agrees

Administrative assistants

Martina - shared for other MEPs or only Marketa? Contract only with Marketa - needs to be changed?

2. Agenda for the week

Constitutive committee sessions - Wednesday - bring your voting cards!

Marcel: IMCO – 15:15 – 15:45 (JAN 6Q2)

CULT – 16:00 – 16:30 (JAN 4Q1)

Markéta: INTA – 14:30 – 15:00 (JAN 4Q1)

AFET – 14:30 – 15:00 (JAN 2Q2)

SEDE – 17:30 – 18:00 (JAN 4Q2)

Mikuláš: ITRE – 15:15 – 15:45 (JAN 4Q1)

ECON – 14:30 – 15:00 (JAN 4Q2)

CONT – 16:45 – 17:15 (JAN 2Q2)

Patrick: JURI – 16:00 – 16:30 (JAN 6Q2)

LIBE – 16:00 – 16:30 (JAN 4Q2)

Group meeting Tuesday 15 -18:30 A1G03

Ø State of Play of the Negotiations for the new European Commission

Ø Preparation of the July II Plenary Session

Ø Information on the Greens/EFA policy on the prevention of harassment:

· Role of the Group's Ombudspersons

· Role and presentation of the Group's Confidential Counsellors

· Compulsory training for MEPs

Group meeting Wednesday 10 - 13 A1G03

State of Play of the Negotiations for the new European Commission

First information on the allocation of

Greens/EFA seats in EP-Delegations

Working Groups - Tuesday

WG ITRE 10:00 - 10:30 A1G3

WG INTA 10:00 - 11:30 P02C59

WG LIBE 11:00 - 13:00 A3F383

WG JURI 11:30 - 13:30 A8F383

WG IMCO 12:00 - 13:00 A1E1

WG CONT 13:00 - 14:00 A5E1


WG CULT 9:00 - 10:00 A1E1

WG SEDE 15:30 - 16:30 A1E3

Bureau Meeting - Marcel

Tuesday 13:30 - 15:00 A1G03

Wednesday 14:00 - 18:00 A5E1

Seminar on EU budget A1G03 - Wednesday 13:00 - 15:00

- attended by Petra and Martina

Marcel in Události komentáře Monday - 22:20

Setting up regular communication meeting Thursday - MEPs + Štěpán + HoO

3. Strasbourg session July II


Who will be going

photo session - to be organized

Hearing with van der Leyen -

preparing questions

(Marcel) find out the schedule for questioning

dividing topics among MEPs

asking questions online?

Calendar - postponed

GEA - postponed to discuss with all MEPs

Public procurements for policy advisors and local assistants
Patrick asks consent for https://pad.pirati.cz/p/Regional_assist ... ment_draft (2 trainees for 3-5 months, later 1 full-time to be used in Berlin office)

Comm strategy and Stepan's contract
Aimilia French courses for autumn (continuing)
Access to Politico morning tech (for meeeeee pleeeeeease :)
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Profese: europoslankyňa
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Re: Zápisy ze schůzí europoslaneckého klubu

Příspěvek od Marketa.Gregorova »

Zápis ze schůzky europoslaneckého klubu 11.7.2019:


Marketa full member: EU-Georgia,Armenia,Azer.;
Substitute: Canada, Japan
--> Marketa will exhange Japan for Patrick's Euronest PA
Marcel full – India
Substitute: USA
--> will try to switch full and substitute delegation
Patrick: full: Switzerland, Iceland and Norway and to the European Economic Area (EEA) + Delegation to the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly
Substitute: EU-Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
--> Petra will ask for Patrick to be removed from the Euronest PA
Mikulas: Full: EU-Ukraine

Strasbourg July II

Accommodation booked in Citotel Hotel Pax http://www.paxhotel.com/en/home
The price is 365 € per person per room for three nights.
http://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/doc ... YN_EN.html


Berlin (trainees) https://pad.pirati.cz/p/Regional_assist ... ment_draft

Jana should collect the CVs

Approved by: Mikuláš, Markéta, Marcel, Patrick

The procurement has been approved.


Approved by: Mikuláš, Markéta,


Approved by: Mikuláš, Markéta,


Approved by: Markéta


Approved by: Markéta

Division of tasks


Eszter working primarily with Marcel

Aimilia working with Patrick

David working with Mikuláš

Martina will work with Petra


To be decided: Administrative assistants – Shared? How many?

two administrative assistants in Brussels - tasks divided by Petra, so that they are not overloaded and MEPs don't have to check, who does what


In general: you have available 4 513 EUR monthly (115 000 CZK), paid out at the end of each month for the month following. GEA is primarily at your disposal to cover any expenses which are directly linked to the exercise of your mandate, such as:

Operational costs of offices - local office, Brussels, Strasbourg (rent, charges, equipment, office supplies, furniture, everyday items, etc.

IT (purchase, rental, installation, running, maintenance) of IT equipment, mobile devices or software, telephone charges

Media - subscriptions, website hosting, costs of operating social media

Organization of meetings, expenses of guests

Generally - covering material/operational costs, only exceptionally remuneration for services - in attachment informational overview of possible defrayable expenses

If you have not used the full amount of the allowance, you CAN return unused amounts to the EP

To consider:

Who will have access to your GEA account?

Who will be responsible for payments and monthly overviews?

How would you like to cover shared expenses? - creating 5th transparent account for expenses of the delegation and shared staff

Would you like to cover your assistant's telephone charges? YES

CZ PP Republic Board (Marketa, Marcel)

CZ PP Board is asking for a strategy to be created in connection to membership of Greens/EFA Group - create draft strategy - submit by 31.8.2019

Will be dealt with by Mikuláš

Regular delegation meetings

Original timing on Mondays BRU 13-15 and SXB 14-16 not feasible
Proposal: Brussels - Staff meeting on Mondays 13-15, MEP delegation meeting other day – Tuesday morning? Thursday afternoon?
I could write you briefing in points from Monday staff meeting and for the respective week agenda and then the delegation meeting could be on Thursday.
Strasbourg – Delegation meeting should be on Monday to go through the agenda and prepare positions for problematic files/votes
(16-17 Group meeting)


Different rules for trainees in Brussels (Strasbourg) and in CZ/DE

In EP:

18 years of age (possible derogation in exceptional cases)

Monthly allowance between 800 € and 1 313 €

to consider: shared trainees? paid from delegation budget?

Patrick proposing candidate for three weeks in October – Lorena

Draft procurement for communication trainee: https://pad.pirati.cz/p/Trainees_procurement_draft

Harassment training info - mandatory for MEPs and staff to go through the harassment training

European Pirate delagation approves harassment training to be mandatory for all the MEPs and staff of the delegation.

YES - Mikuláš, Markéta, Marcel, Patrick

NO -

Abstained -

5. Result of meeting with Mab

Signatures – unified signatures, Petra will send you few proposals to choose from

APA French courses – possibility for APAs to visit French courses, but they are very time-consuming. 3,5 hours twice a week

confirmed, Marcel will sign course request for Aimilia.

Signatures – unified signatures, Petra will send you few proposals to choose from
Tito uživatelé poděkovali autorovi Marketa.Gregorova za příspěvek:
Uživatelský avatar
Republikové předsednictvo
Příspěvky: 1203
Registrován: 15 dub 2012, 21:18
Profese: europoslankyňa
Bydliště: Brno
Dal poděkování: 1232 poděkování
Dostal poděkování: 4339 poděkování
Kontaktovat uživatele:

Re: Zápisy ze schůzí europoslaneckého klubu

Příspěvek od Marketa.Gregorova »

Zápis ze schůzky europoslaneckého klubu 19.7.2019:
Delegation meeting 19. 07. 2019


INFO on regional assistants: the earliest starting date can be 1. 8. if we collect all the information now. The paying agent needs sufficient time to process the contract. Contracting agents/service providers: earliest starting date is 2/7. GEA will be paid on 1 August.

CZ MEPs - need asap verified power of attorney for paying agent - more info in separate email.

Jana will publish new public procurements as soon as additional budget for it will be approved

Berlin (trainees) https://pad.pirati.cz/p/Regional_assist ... ment_draft

Jana should collect the CVs

Approved by: Mikuláš, Markéta, Marcel, Patrick

The procurement has been approved.

IT Administrator draft - https://pad.pirati.cz/p/IT_administrator_draft

Approved by: Mikuláš, Markéta, Patrick, Marcel

The procurement has been approved.

Software developer draft - https://pad.pirati.cz/p/software_devoloper_draft

Approved by: Mikuláš, Markéta, Patrick

Approval after update made by Marcel on 22. 07. 2019: Marcel, Markéta, Mikuláš,

Regional assistant Brno - https://pad.pirati.cz/p/regional_assistant_Brno

Approved by: Markéta, Patrick,

note by Patrick: The draft says "approval by the delegation". If this staff is to be employed individually, it should probably read "approval by the MEP".

Isn't it shared among Markéta and Marcel?

note by Patrick: Is "After approval by the MEPs" ok?

Approval after update made by Marcel on 23. 07. 2019: Marcel

Markéta's PR social media assistant - https://pad.pirati.cz/p/PR_social_assistant_Marketa

Approved by: Markéta, Patrick, Mikuláš

note by Patrick: The draft says "approval by the delegation". Since this staff is to be employed individually by Marketa, it should probably read "approval by the MEP".

the delagation as whole has higher prestige, I think

After discussion with Markéta, we agreed to modify it to "Czech Pirate MEPs are looking". It is perfectly possible, that me and Marcel will hire a person for the same advertisement. The description is great.

note by Patrick: Is "After approval by the MEPs" ok?

Approval after update made by Marcel on 23. 07. 2019: Marcel

Draft procurement for European Law Advisor: https://pad.pirati.cz/p/legal-expert_procurement_draft (languages to be discussed, Googledoc says to require Czech and German, too)

Approved by: Patrick, Markéta, Mikuláš

Draft procurement for group Advisor on anti-corruption and containing lobbyism: https://pad.pirati.cz/p/Group_advisor_procurement (the text doesn't mention the group as I am not sure whether we can publicly advertise a group position)

Approved by: Patrick

the position and timing of publishing the procurement will be discussed on the next delegation meeting.

The delegation approved one time bonus to be paid to Jana to cover for her work on European Pirates public procurements

The delegation approved Michal Ketner to be hired temporarily as service provider for position of IT administrator

Schedule of the public procurements evaluation

2nd round


Availability for job interviews in August

Marcel - available: for telephone/video conference // not available:

Marketa - available: prefers videoconference // not available: 10th August, 24th August

Mikuláš - available: in CZ for telephone/video conference // not available: 5.-12. and 17.-20.

Patrick - available for telephone/video conference, not available in Brussels

Who will be in the evaluation commission?

Head of Office: Jana, Marcel, Mikuláš, (Markéta - tentative), Patrick

Administrative assistant: Jana, the chosen Head of Office, Marcel, Markéta, Patrick

Policy Advisor (INTA, AFET, SEDE) - Markéta, Jana

Policy Assistant (INTA, AFET, SEDE) - Markéta, Jana

Policy Advisors (IMCO/CULT/LIBE/JURI/INTA/AFET/SEDE): Jana, relevant committee members

Berlin local office (trainees): Patrick

Law maker/expert: Jana, Marcel, Patrick, Mikuláš

IT administrator: Jana, Marcel, Mikuláš

Software developer: Jana, Marcel, Mikuláš

Meeting of European Pirate delegation and Czech Parliament Pirate Club - in Prague

Last Friday in August feasible?

Who should attend?

last Friday of August is fine for Marcel

Meeting with Assange attorneys - proposal from Rico Brouwer from PP NL

update info: Rico is no longer member of PP NL (new address: rico@wweweb.nl)

Lobby register

Communication channel with Pirates to replace Slack

Platform for sharing documents - https://nextcloud.pp-eu.eu/?

European Pirates website

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Republikové předsednictvo
Příspěvky: 1203
Registrován: 15 dub 2012, 21:18
Profese: europoslankyňa
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Kontaktovat uživatele:

Re: Zápisy ze schůzí europoslaneckého klubu

Příspěvek od Marketa.Gregorova »

Zápis ze schůzky europoslaneckého klubu 22.7.2019:
Delegation meeting 22. 07. 2019

Meeting with Assange attorneys - proposal from Rico Brouwer from PP NL

Jens from German PP brought a proposal of meeting Assange in prison in September and meeting with team of his attorneys in November.

It will be decided whether Patrick would attend

Eszter and Aimilia would like to be present to the meeting

Patrick will take care of communication with Jens

Lobby register

EP rules: rapporteurs and shadow rapporteurs must register their meetings in EP transparency register

Justus on Lobbycal

Database of all Green MEPs meetings

Financed by the Group last time - unlikely they will keep it running

Administered by external company - contract between the Group and the company (Pam)

Compliance with internal Party rules -

What should be included

NGO meetings

MEP meetings should be included as well

Training on lobby register - for staff members - Petra and Martina organization

Technical solution to be created - Mikulas

MEPs Tuesday photo sessions schedule 1 hour per MEP + 30 mins for Group photo

Mikuláš: 13:30-14:30

Marcel: 11:00 - 12:00

Markéta: 14:30 - 15:30

Patrick: 15:30 (possibly - waiting for his confirmation)

Communication channel with Pirates to replace Slack

Transfer to matrix

creation of own infrastructure

strategic meeting necessary - to discuss further approach

Platform for sharing documents - https://nextcloud.pp-eu.eu/?

European Pirates website

Continuation of Julia's transparency tradition

lobby meetings, accounting (GEA), calendar --> OK

sharing documents - amendments, negotiations, voting
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Republikové předsednictvo
Příspěvky: 1203
Registrován: 15 dub 2012, 21:18
Profese: europoslankyňa
Bydliště: Brno
Dal poděkování: 1232 poděkování
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Kontaktovat uživatele:

Re: Zápisy ze schůzí europoslaneckého klubu

Příspěvek od Marketa.Gregorova »

Zápis ze schůzky europoslaneckého klubu 26.7.2019:
Delegation meeting 26. 07. 2019

Lobby register

Looking for temporary solution until we find the final solution

Mikulas suggests to publish via system the czech deputies are using so far, with translation

Lobbycal is automatically writen into the system, but problem is you cannot publish report before the meeting (Mikulas says), in Lobbycal is no possibility to publish report at all (Panda can arrange that he says)

Mikulas suggests to use evidence

Panda thinks the best solution is to use own Pirate Party register

main question: Do we prefer use Lobbycal or the Evidence? (both of them would need some changes in the system)

Marcel is more for Lobbycal, Patrick as well

Conclusion: depending on how much effort we will have to put into the reprograming systems we will decide which one is less complicated

assessment will be done by Panda and Mikulas

Meantime: we are using Evidence - Panda will provide credentials

Compliance with PP-CZ post-election strategy and Pirate MEP codex

We did not publish our property list yet (declaration what Pirates own updated every year)

Patrick wants to join the declaration as well

Mikulas suggests to use professional translation as the best solution (probably paid by the GEA)

David is against using of machine translation, he is willing to write public procurement for the translation

place where Pirates will publish the statement: Marketa suggests PPEU wiki and at least one place for everyone, Mikulas: there is neccesity to have a webpage serving for all Pirates (for example PPEU), possible solution: one of the PPEU website section would be dedicated to MEPs ,

Markéta updated the page and it can be used for other links and more static info without a problem: https://european-pirateparty.eu/mep/

problem is the PPEU is written in Wordpress which must be changed

suggested solution: the discussion is postoponed, everyone should make a statement on the situation, there will be shared document where everyone write the property they have and value, including loans and mortages (Petra will take the reponsibility for creating of the document according to Mikulas ´ example)

there is the limit for declaration of properties 20K EUR

for loans there is no limit

GEA - delegation funds

no shared account will be established

Patrick is going to open an account in the FIO Banka (Petra will help)

conclusion: until the system is not done MEPs will provide the invoices which will be put into the nextcloud spreadsheet (Martina will arrange), long term solution: simplified version of Piroplaceni system (provided by Panda, probably in the end of October 2019)

APAs working schedule during August - redirection of phones - possible, but from 2nd to 26th August no offices will be available --> no phone connected to MEPs office

APAs will take a vacation (13 days ?)

APAs will be on the remote access and available

there will be spreadsheet and everyone will put there when are available and their contact details

Final offices in Brussels

Patrick will take office on the right side (the one with doors where plan says "porte a fermer")

Petra will take a look firstly and update the others

Update on development with delegation calendar

everyone is using the Nextcloud but Marcel

today (26/7) will be the next solution find out

Strategy to fulfill and track progress on the election program

- Czech MEPs had 20 priorities in the election program

- Mikulas doesnt believe in such a system working in practice since he has an experience from Czech Parliament

- Marcel suggests: take a look on priorities which are connected with committees the Pirates are sitting in and focus on them

-at the moment there is only Google translation of the priorities : https://evropapotrebuje.cz/en/what-we-want/

-during the Strategic meeting should each MEP present the priorities he/she wants to fullfil (on the staff level during the last week of August)

- Ester will provide google translation of the document and decide which area goes to the specific MEP

- CEEP: https://wiki.ppeu.net/doku.php?id=programme:ceep2019

https://evropapotrebuje.cz/en/what-we-want/ - 20 program priorities

https://etherpad.pp-international.net/p ... priorities - PPDE political priorities according to election brochure


Public procurements – approval of pending adverts, evaluation schedule


previous pad: https://pad.pirati.cz/p/Delegation_meeting_20190722
Příznivec Pirátů – Ústecký kraj
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Registrován: 30 čer 2019, 11:50
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Re: Zápisy ze schůzí europoslaneckého klubu

Příspěvek od Petra.Hovorkova »

Zápis ze schůze europoslaneckého klubu z 12. 9. 2019:

Delegation meeting 12/09/2019
external connection: https://meet.jit.si/EUPPDelegationmeeting  
Present: David, Mikulas, Julien, Marcel, Eszter, Paul, Marketa, Kristyna, Martina, Petra, Aimilia, Patrick, Stepan (remotely)

1 Organization of Group Study days
so far we have booked hotel for APAs and MEPs 
APAs will take care of the travel by themselves
for MEPs everything is booked 

2 Update on staff situation
still evaluating second round of procurement for Marcel and Patrick
Mikulas has published new public procurement for 2 positions 
Patrick will receive trainee for "study visit", focused mainly on Communication 

3 Strasbourg session agenda
Marcel will be chairing the plenary on Tuesday´s evening and Thursday´s morning
policy advisors have to check voting lists if there is any clash with Pirate agenda (communicate with David) 
Paul will attend a Group meetings and follow agenda and update other advisors
Stepan is asking abut Commission statement- threats to the status of volunteer firefighters in the EU - since this is a big topic in CZ, problem is nobody will be in the plenary anymore - we should find out what is the real threat, (Petra will find out more information) 

4 Speaking time 
Marketa requested for Speaking time on Tuesday at 3:00 (Foreign electoral interference and disinformation in national and European Democratic processes), 
Patrick might speak behind of Marketa if necessary
Mikulas would like speak about "State of the implementation of anti-money laundering legislation" (on Wednesday, evening), David will try to manage speaking time for Mikulas (reply to an email !)

5 Important deadlines:
19 September: Thursday JURI will examine the financial declarations of the Commissioners. We expect to receive the respective declarations on Friday 13th. We would appreciate some collaboration on their examination. These will be in your inboxes once we receive them.
17 September: CCC adoption of the recommendation on the division of responsibilities between committees and the programme of the hearings.
18 September: Deadline for the committees to submit their specific written questions.
19 September: CoP decision on the division of responsibilities between committees, on the programme of the hearings and on the questionnaires.
Written questionnaires are sent in EN to the Commission.

6 Changes in APA´s contracts - 
Marketa own: Paul, Kristyna
Marketa shared: Martina 
Marcel own: Eszter, Julien (+4th APA - policy assistant)
Marcel shared: Petra 
Patrick own: Aimilia, Policy assistant 2
Patrick shared: Maren 
Mikulas own: David, (Policy assistant 2) 
Mikulas shared: European law expert

7 Group Priorities
Delegation inputs
during the study days in London Group priorities will be discussed and decided
MEPs will prepare list of priorities to be discussed

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