Organizace konference PPI v Praze

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Organizace konference PPI v Praze

Příspěvek od Tomas.Vymazal »

Konverzace mezi mnou a Wolfgangem Preissem ohledne streamovani cele konference pomoci jeho techniky a know - how/An email conversation between me and Wolfgang Preiss regarding streaming of the whole conference using his gear and know - how:

On Dec 23, 2011 8:58 PM, "Wolfgang Preiss" <> wrote:
Hello Tomas,

Lola Voronina was so kind to give me your contact details as responsible technical administrator for the PPI General Assembly in Praque.

Despite in PP Cz's offer to organize the live streaming on its own, I'd like to offer you my full support up to completely take over the live streaming at the assembly.

Pirate Streaming has huge experiance in live streaming. Our last project was the live streaming of the GA PP Germany, which had 1.500 Viewers in maximum. We were using 2 Wowza Server which provided a flash and a rtsp stream. The player were located on our website which had been mirrored for that event to 4 servers to adapt to the huge ammount of requests.

I have a large amound of equipment available, including 4 HD Kameras, live cutting equipment (software).

Additionally - and that might be the most interesting part - I can provide Internet access via Satellite with 10mbit down and 4mbit upstream. All I need is open view to south. For Livestreaming I need a maximum of 1mbit Upstream - the rest of the bandwidth can be provided to the delegates and visitors.

At the GA in Friedrichshafen I also provided the sound system, including wireless microphones which do not disturb WLAN. I am expecting this time much more public and press interest, not at the level of GA PP Germany Offenbach, but way more than in Friedrichshafen. In Friedrichshafen I also provided the Skype Setup to interact with the remote delegates.

You are welcome to check my report about that event here:

After I know that PP CZ and PPI both don't have that much money at their disposal I am offering my services free of charge, as long one of your team is willing to support me during the event. Besides basic knowledge in windows and camera handling no additional knowledge is needed.

Praque is just 240km from my home town (Grafenwöhr) so it is even closer to me than the last PPI GA or the last GA PP Germany in Offenbach, and I really would like to support you as much as I can.

Pirate Streaming is not a section of PP Germany, but of Pirates without Borders, which has its headquaters in switzerland and is operating international.

If you need any information, please don't hesitate to ask, even for additional support.

Best regards

Pirate Streaming.
Am 25.12.2011 03:25, schrieb Tom Vymazal:
Hello there Wolfgang,
first of all, let me apologize for the delayed answer to your offer, secondly, I have to say I'm totally amazed by your offer and without any hesitation I have to say "yes, please!"

Our organizing team will gladly help you with anything you might need during the event and, as you can see in our conference offer, because we wanted to point one camera at the main stage and use another to walk around the venue we would appreciate your hardware very much. Since you wrote about 4 HD cams, we could use them to record as many open space groups as we'd see fit. Or we could (and this is my personal priority) try to record additional interviews with all important international Pirates so as not to have to hope that someone like Dancing Dog productions guys will be present at the conference and will do those interviews instead of us like they did in Friedrichshafen. I mean, we mustn't let all those important people leave without saying what -let's be honest here- they came to say anyway or what they feel should be said. I hope you're able to catch my drift because I'm writing an email on my new phone for the first time and so I kinda have to focus more on how to write than what to write :-)

Regarding the Internet connection: I sincerely hope a solid 100/100 MBps connection will be available at the venue the whole time (in fact I'd be very surprised should there be anything worse) so your streaming requirements shouldn't cause any problems.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to our future cooperation and I'd like to thank you very much for your gratious offer which I hereby gladly accept.

If you could write up a list of equipment you're able to provide it would be much appreciated - we would then ask the staff of Hub about any eventual missing equipment needed and then we could decide what your equipment we'll ask you to provide (gosh, I'm writing like a madman, ain't I).

Ok, I guess that's all, thanks again and, hopefully, we'll keep in touch.

Looking forward to hearing from you again,

Tom Vymazal (PP-CZ)
Head of International Relations dept.
Wolfgang Preiss on 12/25/2011 píše:Good morning Tom,

first of all, let me wish you and your fellow pirates a "Merry Christmas" !

Seems you're an night owl, just like I am. I usually get up very soon in the morning, so you might be surprized by my soon answer :-)

So - It is a deal than, I will be at the event with my equipment:

According the Internet connection:
As long your desired 100mbit connection isn't for sure, you can count on my satellite uplink, even it is "just" 10/4 mbit. As a matter of fact, I will bring the equipment anyway, so if anything goes wrong, we can set it up within one hour or less.

My Equipment:
3 HD Camcorder with external microphon plugin (3,5mm)
1 HD Camcorder (only internal microphone)
4 normal camera stands
All Cameras do record on internal hard drives which can be downloaded via usb from the camera for instant editing
4 x 50m Video Cable for setting up fixed cameras at different fixed points at the GA
4 USB Framegrabber Cards for my laptop for live streaming
1 external video recorder on hard drive
1 adapter VGA Signal -> Video Signal (for grabbing Beamer signal to get into the streaming laptop)
1 adapter HDMI->Video (to get the original cut signal from laptop as being streamed to an external device, like TV Set, or Beamer for being shown outside the assembly room, or for remote deligates send - see below)

3 Microphones with XRL Adapter
3 Microphones wireless (for parallel use, no other WiFi being disturbed, Receivers to be connected via XRL or 6,5mm)
1 Pointing Microphone with XRL Adapter (usually used for the camera either hand held or attached on the top of camera)
4 x 10m XRL cable (male->female)
1 x Audio Mixer with 4 microfone input, 1 x external input (eg tapedeck), several outputs (for sound system, headphones, etc)

Several different adapter Audio cables etc

Satellite Dish for 2 way internet connection
Satellite Modem
1 Wlan Router with 1 WAN, 1 USB for UMTS Adapter
2 x 50m LAN cable
I am planning on getting a router with 2 x wan setup, so I can hook up to a local WAN and still have the sat system as backup

Power supply:
I am equipped with several cord lengthers 10m/50m, multiplyers etc. I must say I have no idea what plug system in Cz is being used. Is it the normal european system like we have in germany? I have one multi adapter, after I am often in switzerland, and there they have a different system

I usually have all of that above equipment with me at an event, so it is no problem to have a spontanious setup ;-)

Only thing I have to ask is to have it securly stored during the event.

Planned Setup, to be discussed:
I used only one camera in Friedrichshafen, but usually I have 2 cameras for livestreaming. I set up my equipment at the oposite end in the room where the main speaker/podium stands. There I have one camera set, which points to the main speaker.
Usually there is set up a fixed mikrophone for audiance speakers who get in row to speak there. I set up one camera there fixed view on the microphone. I can handle up to 3 parallel video signals to mix up in my software, either side by side, or picture in picture for live streaming.
It turned out by experiance you don't need more than that.

Remote Deligates System:
We have actually 2 choices there. let me first describe how we did it in Friedrichshafen:

We set up one Laptop with skype, attached to the sound system. So whatever was said in any microfone was sent via skype, and whatever was said on the remote side on skype was being sent to the loudspeakers at any time. This worked pretty well. However each deligate had to switch from live stream player to skype for interacting which turned out to be a bit pain in the ass.

For the upcoming GA we have 2 choices

A) Skype offers conference setup to rent for I think 5 US$/day where all delegates can call in. They keep connected to it and we simply send the live stream signal as camera input to that conference setup.
The remote delegates don't watch the livestream via the player, but via skype, and can interfere whenever they like.
Their video Signal is sent to a beamer so anyone can see them (additionally to my streaming system, so they can be shown on the live stream) A local technician takes that speaker to mute them if they get "disturbing" or to put them on full screen if a speech is being held.

(Btw: I only can support 2 low cost beamers, which aren't suitable for large usage, but I'll bring them anyway)

B) Similar to skype system, but organized by my streaming servers. I can setup a conference system as being described above, which works with a browser and flash. I need to setup this system anyway because of needs we have here in germany. It is likely to have it used first in february.
Remote deligates use a flash plugin for their cam and microphone on the website as you might now it from camroulette ;-)

During the conference I imagine it like this: Usually all deligates are set to mute. If one delegate requests to speak he holds a card in the camera and he will be put to loud on the sound system. other deligates will remain mute.

I had a talk with Thomas Gaul, and he told me that we had to expect about 5 remote deligates, but the system should be capable of being used with up to 10 remote members which should be no problem with both systems.

I am planning to set up that conference system within the next week, so I can test it. I will let you know my progress

Your interview planning:
I will support you with one camera and one handheld microfone attached to the camera. You can use it any time to make interviews and record stuff on your own. This isn't being sent live, but recorded and can be edited afterwards and being uploaded to youtube. You will get a bunch of batteries so you can change them any time you want :)
Maybe you set up one interview corner, with a PP CZ Flag in the background where you hold your interviews :-)
The Camera can hold up to 12 - 60 hrs of recording, depending on what camera I will give you.

of course we could send these interviews inbetween, whenever there is a break at the event ;-)

As I learned the final date of the GA isn't fixed yet, due to a match with orthodox easter festivals. And as soon Samir stops bitching around I think we all can settle this. I have no doubt, that the event will take place in Cz no matter how much Samir tries to change that. You have my full support any time.

If you would like to meet, I have no problem doing a one day trip to Praque within the next 2 weeks, after I am on holiday too. As I said, I am living close to German/Cz Border, and I just have to jump on Autobahn and be there in less than 2 hrs I guess ;-)

I give you now my cell phone number, in case you need to contact me any time:

+49-178-2005570 (Wolfgang Preiss)

but ask you not to give it to anyone else outside the planning team for the GA.

One last thing:
As soon we can settle the date I will add this event to my event manager in and

After this is done I can provide you with an iframe link with the player so anyone can setup in their own homepage to follow the stream. I guess PPI but also PP Cz as host wants to have that embedded to their homepage.

I guess it is ok with you, that I communicate on Mailinglists and my blog that Pirate Streaming will support the GA.

I don't know if you celebrate chrismas on christmas eve (24th) or christmas morning (25th) so I still want to wish you a merry chrismas :-)

Best regards

Wolfgang Preiss
Na posledni mail jsem zatim neodpovidal, protoze jsem jeste nemel cas si ho dukladne precist. Kdyby nekoho napadlo neco, na co bych se Wolfganga mel zeptat, tak SZ prosim. Budu mu psat asi zitra.
Tito uživatelé poděkovali autorovi Tomas.Vymazal za příspěvky (celkem 3):
Filip.Krska, Marcel.Kolaja, V__
Tom Vymazal, podporovatel phpBB a bojovník za legalizaci heroinu
Takovej ten stav, když seš uprostřed stavu a myslíš si, že nemáš stav. -- Michal Wagner, tč. garant programového bodu Drogy
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Re: PPI GA preparation coordination

Příspěvek od Marcel.Kolaja »

my 2 cents (internal):
* Skype is no way
* Flash is much better than Skype but it's still proprietary and therefore suboptimal

There's no free videoconferencing solution?

Tito uživatelé poděkovali autorovi Marcel.Kolaja za příspěvek:

Marcel Kolaja
kvestor Evropského parlamentu

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Re: PPI GA preparation coordination

Příspěvek od Vaclav.Malek »

another solution could be use P2P video streaming!
Tito uživatelé poděkovali autorovi Vaclav.Malek za příspěvek:
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Re: PPI GA preparation coordination

Příspěvek od Petr.Vileta »

Or for people who have Google account the Google Talk is usable too.

P.S. Google account is not Gmail account.
Tito uživatelé poděkovali autorovi Petr.Vileta za příspěvek:

Řadový člen, stínový ministr švihlých nápadů a fórista

Fide, sed cui fidas, vide.
Věř, ale komu věříš měř.

(Perchta z Pernštejna - Bílá paní)

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Re: PPI GA preparation coordination

Příspěvek od Marcel.Kolaja »

Petr Vileta píše:Or for people who have Google account the Google Talk is usable too.
Which is the same problem as with Skype.

Tito uživatelé poděkovali autorovi Marcel.Kolaja za příspěvky (celkem 4):
Tomas.Vymazal, anonym53077, Ondrej.Kotas, V__

Marcel Kolaja
kvestor Evropského parlamentu

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Re: PPI GA preparation coordination

Příspěvek od Marcel.Kolaja »

I asked one of the Pirate MEPs, Amelia Andersdotter, whether she would accept an invitation to the GA. She would love to come and wants to take one of her assistants with her! Please, send her an official invitation. Thank you!

Tito uživatelé poděkovali autorovi Marcel.Kolaja za příspěvky (celkem 4):
Mikulas.Ferjencik, Tomas.Vymazal, Filip.Krska, V__

Marcel Kolaja
kvestor Evropského parlamentu

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Re: PPI GA preparation coordination

Příspěvek od Marcel.Kolaja »

Just got an idea how to raise funds. Every single point of the agenda should have it's own Flattr button. Let people Flattr what they like on the agenda. Everytime it's mentioned, a Flattr button should be attached. When printed, there should be QR codes. Like this: ... IMG022.jpg

When people attend the particular speech/discussion/whatever, they should be able to Flattr that particular agenda point by going, to the hall, where the program is printed, and scan the QR code. Some easy way should be implemented also for visitors watching the event through the streaming.

The same should apply for particular points on the Open Space agenda. Every single discussion at the Open Space should have it's own Flattr button.

It could also be extended to the particular the aspects of the GA. Did you like how the sound-system/beamer/streaming/video-conference/Internet access worked perfectly? You can Flattr it.

Donations collected for specific things like speeches, streaming, etc. would be offered to the persons who did that, while they could leave it for the organizational purposes. I really don't expect more money to be collected than used for the organization, however in that unlikely case it would be transfered to the PPI.

Tito uživatelé poděkovali autorovi Marcel.Kolaja za příspěvky (celkem 3):
Filip.Krska, Tomas.Vymazal, V__

Marcel Kolaja
kvestor Evropského parlamentu

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Re: PPI GA preparation coordination

Příspěvek od Vaclav.Malek »

Marcel Kolaja píše:Just got an idea how to raise funds. Every single point of the agenda should have it's own Flattr button.
Nice, but would be good to add more services than just Flattr...
Tito uživatelé poděkovali autorovi Vaclav.Malek za příspěvek:
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Člen KS Středočeský kraj
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Re: PPI GA preparation coordination

Příspěvek od Marcel.Kolaja »

Vaclav Malek píše:
Marcel Kolaja píše:Every single point of the agenda should have it's own Flattr button.
Nice, but would be good to add more services than just Flattr...
For receiving donations? Of course! However, I highly doubt that anyone would want to go through the complicated process of donating specifically a single speech or something. Flattr was mentioned intentionally:

(i) micro-payment system that makes donating easy as in just-one-click
(ii) co-founded by Peter Sunde, who co-founded the Pirate Bay as well
(iii) quite popular in Germany
(iv) won't ruin your family budget even if you like everything and tend to click on all Flattr buttons

Anyway, another idea: In case (a) movie(s) from the conference is/are planned (i.e. something like or that we make ourselves this time, we could use the system often used for kick-starting free movies (e.g. ... sm-phase-i). Which means, for instance "donate at least EUR 25 and your name will be in 'special thanks' of the movie from the conference".

Tito uživatelé poděkovali autorovi Marcel.Kolaja za příspěvek:

Marcel Kolaja
kvestor Evropského parlamentu

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Člen KS Jihomoravský kraj
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Re: PPI GA preparation coordination

Příspěvek od Tomas.Vymazal »

Marcel Kolaja píše:
Vaclav Malek píše:
Marcel Kolaja píše:Every single point of the agenda should have it's own Flattr button.
Nice, but would be good to add more services than just Flattr...
For receiving donations? Of course! However, I highly doubt that anyone would want to go through the complicated process of donating specifically a single speech or something. Flattr was mentioned intentionally:

(i) micro-payment system that makes donating easy as in just-one-click
(ii) co-founded by Peter Sunde, who co-founded the Pirate Bay as well
(iii) quite popular in Germany
(iv) won't ruin your family budget even if you like everything and tend to click on all Flattr buttons

Anyway, another idea: In case (a) movie(s) from the conference is/are planned (i.e. something like or that we make ourselves this time, we could use the system often used for kick-starting free movies (e.g. ... sm-phase-i). Which means, for instance "donate at least EUR 25 and your name will be in 'special thanks' of the movie from the conference".
Do you really think anyone would pay us to make our own propagation material? And even if they did, what would we use the money for? To pay the conference itself?
Tito uživatelé poděkovali autorovi Tomas.Vymazal za příspěvek:
Tom Vymazal, podporovatel phpBB a bojovník za legalizaci heroinu
Takovej ten stav, když seš uprostřed stavu a myslíš si, že nemáš stav. -- Michal Wagner, tč. garant programového bodu Drogy

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